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Profiles: Photos
Click here to learn about uploading photos, reporting photos, our photo guidelines, and more
How can I upload photos?
Your photos are one of the most important parts of your profile because they allow members to put a face to the person who they're communicating with and they also make you more "real" to others. To upload photos to your profile: Begin ...

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How can I change the order of my photos?
To change the order of your photos, first begin on your Photos page. Press the 12-dot icon found in the bottom-right corner of each photo. While pressing the 12-dot icon, click and drag each photo to the desired order. The top-left phot...

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How can I change my profile photo?
To update your profile photo, first make sure that you have already uploaded the photo to your profile. Click on the photo that you'd like to use as your main profile photo from your Photos. Click the "Make Profile Photo" button found...

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Why are my photos pending?
When you add anything new to your profile, a member of our content review team takes a quick look to make sure that it's appropriate for the site. They will review everything usually within 24 hours, but often they're much, much quicker ...

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What are the photo requirements on CatholicMatch?
To make sure that CatholicMatch remains a wholesome environment and to help you be successful in finding your match, we have some basic photo requirements used throughout the site. All photos on CatholicMatch must be: At least 200 by 2...

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How long does it take for new photos to be posted to my profile?
To promote a wholesome experience for all members on CatholicMatch, all member-submitted content is reviewed within 48 hours of posting. While some content may appear prior to the review, most content will need to be approved prior to ap...

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How can I remove a photo from my profile?
It's very important to include a variety of photos in your profile. When using online dating, your photos help to 'break the ice' and promote a more comfortable feeling in early communication. To remove a photo: Begin by opening your p...

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How can I update my photo captions?
Photo captions bring your photos to life and give your viewers a bit more information about the photo. To add, update, or remove photo captions: Begin on the photo edit page at Click o...

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How can I report an inappropriate photo?
To keep CatholicMatch wholesome, we review all new content to the site within 24 hours of the time that it's added. Because limited content appears before it is reviewed and because as humans we occasionally miss things, we greatly appre...

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