Help Center
Profiles: Viewing other profiles
Click here to learn about view notifications, snoozing profile, and more
How can I see who viewed my profile?
When someone visits your profile, we'll show them on your Views List: To see your most recent viewers, begin on your homepage. Scroll down to the section entitled Viewed Me. Select More to see a complete listing of viewers over the pa...

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Why did someone disappear from my views?
Your Views list shows members who have viewed your profile in the past month. If someone no longer appears in your views, there are a couple of possible explanations: They are no longer on CatholicMatch - if the member returns within 3...

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How often are view notifications sent?
The first time that someone visits a profile, a view notification will be sent. For the next 60 days, the viewer can return to the same profile as many times as they want without a new notification being sent. No matter how many times o...

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How can I snooze a profile?
If you are a subscriber and you determine that someone isn't a good match, you can "snooze" the profile. This hides the profile from appearing in your search results for the next 180 days to make room for new profiles to appear. The sno...

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