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How does matching work?

Nathan Lloyd
Nathan Lloyd
  • Updated

How are matches suggested? 

CatholicMatch suggests matches in accordance with the Catholic Sacrament of Marriage to those who are free to marry in the Catholic Church.

Before matches are suggested, members are asked to complete a questionnaire called the Match Portrait, which addresses key areas where successful couples do well to agree on, such as personality traits, values, outlook on life, and other factors on one's personality. Some of these questions can be a bit personal, but members' responses are never seen by human eyes so its important to be honest when answering these questions to ensure that the best possible matches are suggested.

Each member's responses to the match portrait are evaluated using a Likert scale and using these results, a comparison is made between other members. Those who are deemed to be compatible are then suggested to each other as matches.

How can I review my matches?

Matches appear on your Match Page for you to review one at a time. Select the "checkmark" to approve the match or select the "x" if you aren’t interested. After that, any additional matches will appear for you to review. To see all the Match profiles that you approved, select “Confirmed” at the top of the page and to see those that you refused, select “Declined”. Declined matches will automatically be removed after 6 months.

What if I don't like the majority of my matches?

If you were honest when providing your responses to the Match Portrait questionnaire, we'd like to encourage you to be open minded when reviewing your matches. This is because a lot of time, money, and resources went into researching successful faith-focused marriages so that we could provide a high quality matching system that focuses on matching men and women who truly have potential. 

With that being said, travel may not be an option for everyone so we provide match filters to narrow potential matches based on distance and a few other key factors. Adjusting these match filters will not remove past matches, but it will ensure that future suggestions meet the criteria provided.

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